Friday, July 16, 2010

Baxter RedFern N Ryan Berrecloth mix

I met Baxter through Alan Hepburn last year and have had him come in a few times for the odd project, his shot of Alan is on our about page.  Just saying this out loud… so that I have to back it up… but I nose manual this rock all the time Alan I would at least expect you to tail whip it or something.  I have been on a mission to show up Alan for a year or so but that was before i fell hard and failed hard this Feb..


Anyways, Baxter and Straitlines very own Ryan B have teamed up for a series of webisodes to be released this fall and most have a sense of humor thrown in just like this video made for Lizard skins… Ryan told me about this this video concept over a few beers but and I never really saw it coming out as so cheezmo awesome funny as this, Vespa skills are off the scale!


Baxter just had a interview up on Pinkbike and you have to watch his Beer commercial shot up at UVIC, be sure to pass this around.


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