Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Groves and Sorge at Crankworks!

So much has happened since I last blogged, we had both Sorge and Groves in the event and both won invites to the Darren's clawworks this weekend.

Sorge 16th over all!

The funny thing is that I called up Lenosky the week prior to catch up and Sorge was sitting beside him at a demo. Jeff told me he was begging for some of Jeffs neon JLO pedals for his big Superman's at Crankworks but he just finished Colorado Krankworks and landed 15th so I thought he may have hit his head or something. Little did I know is that he landed a spot at Crankworks and was at the show... oops! We drank some beers on the deck on your behalf, sorry Kurt.

So Casey has been a busy guy this summer. He won the Whistler Air affair competition won a invite to Crankworks, then got invited to the red bull round up, went to Crankworks and battled with the best in the world winning best trick with Watts both winning 3'gs and Casey landing a invite to the Bearclaw event. This year was nuts for him.

Come event day Casey threw down a solid run in Qualify but on his second run over rotated a massive 360 on the big step down. The whole crowd went silent and the big screens went to commErcial as we waited to see if he was alright. Like, this jump is was gnarly! The night after the event we hiked the course and stood on the lip it is huuuge, I wouldn't even take a toboggan off of it in fresh pow.

Casey going huge on the spine setting up for the step down...

But Casey likes to test the products he rides so I am sure he was just curious about what happens when you land sideways on your bike. Result was it sucks and he will be passing on his spot at Darren's event this Saturday to heal up.

So, Sorge will be heading up island this weekend to represent all alone...! Alan Hepburn is here from Austrailia so him and I will probably drive up and put some pressure on him!

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