Monday, February 9, 2009

PaintHouse Customs... does my helmet.

I've always wanted a helmet or frame done up fully custom, who hasn't dreamt of that. So when I saw the wood grained helmet on Pinkbike I was beyond stoked and found out who did it.

Stacy at PaintHouse Customs was the man behind the wood grain helmet so I called him up to do one for us/me.

Stacy with the God Father Simmons

Since I am not a high roller like Wade who gets paid in helmets, I had to buy one. So I thought it would be funny if I bought a custom painted THE Vegas helmet and get it custom painted. See the humour?

The humour got lost when I saw the visa bill forgetting that I bought it in US funds on a weak Canadian dollar!

I really wanted the Unicorn theme above to be the main focus but I was told that Unicorns and rainbows mixed isn't as cool as I thought. So I asked Stacy to do what ever the hell he wants with it just make it show Straitline some where and surprise me.

Today I got a sneak peek at the helmet and wow, it's black... you really went all out on this one Stacy.

Luckily this is just the Base coat after stripping the Vegas graphics off of it, now the fun begins. Right after my helmet gets doen Stacy has been enlisted by the guys at Decline Magazine for a Decline Magazine helmet then right after that one DIRT Magazine in the UK has an order in as well. Stoked to get one done at all before he gets over loaded.

What do you think he will put on it? Here are some of my guesses below:

Or something along the lines of this, and just keep it real.

But definitely check out his blog to see his latest creations PaintHouse Customs and I'll re post when it is done.


dotca said...

Shake and Bake! Haha. So you are a little on the gay side eh with the unicorns humping and all that? Oh! You misspelled weak! It's not week! The dude does do some awesome shit though. If I had the funds, I'd get him to paint up a neat-o halflid.

Anonymous said...

Is that a Liger?!!

Straitline Components said...

Ya, never trust spell check Dotca!

And no that is just a tiger with spikes growing out of his back... of course it is a Liger!!

dotca said...

Spell check is fine, you're just rusty on your spelling Greg!