Friday, April 30, 2010

ALAN HEPBURN aka hole digga!

Alan is a factory Straitline rider from Down uNDER AND ALSO A CAMP COACH FOR cAMP OF cHAMPIONS WHERE HE HOLES UP IN THE cANADIAN ALPINES TO AVOID HIS BLISTERING HOT WINTER. ** Anyone feal like becoming a millionaire? Invent a beeper that notifies me when the caplocks are on and you will roll in cash I promise, millions of me out there!! **


So for all you in the northern hemisphere peeps I’m sure you are all buzzing at the blue skies and sunshine. Down here in Australia we have been getting a lot more clouds and these crazy situations where water falls from the sky. The last month has been full of digging and some riding for me and my Canadian friend Jason Headley. We decided to commit a whole lot of time to build a couple new lines at my local jumps. Despite the time and effort it was worth it and makes the spot a lot more fun to ride.
Here is an edit we just filmed of the new and improved jumps.

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