Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ANKLES not Kankles!


Not sure if the entire world knows this yet but my biggest Tendon in my body decided to snap while out for a ride. Luckily I am Canadian so I simply went in for Surgery and had it repaired. It sucks as much as you would think it would suck so I do not recommend this to anyone. I take that back, I wish this on the entire US/ Canada Vancouver border Commercial Truck Crossing  staff who were on shift at 10 am April 12th!  Everyone on hand in that office, both legs, except the tall skinny guy with balding head, he is off the wish list.

The Point is we have zero offerings for ankle protection and yes there are some things you can buy out there but Swede-o has patents and they are deep in the medical world.


The day I crashed was a mellow day and the only day I never put my Ankle loc brace on. If I had it on, no big deal, I could have taken the hit. Hindsight is 20/20 but I really am on a mission to introduce the brand to all riders.


Jack Fogelquist rides them, Casey Groves should have had them on when he popped his ankle at Ranchstyle –Gold fool!.


I will be bringing these braces into the market even if Swede-o says no, go away but they need to be out there just like how we now have neck protection.


My caption is this photo is cute… “Finally I don’t have to wipe my ass anymore, thanks paralysis”!  Not funny I know but maybe a little.

i uploaded the photos for Dor, the photographer. sick shots

When I get back on the bike … next year I will be in the braces 24/7 when on a bike, no excuses. But they are not for post injury and they are super easy to wear and you lace them up loose and they will just be there on impact and prevent rolls.


Basically they work, no hype or over selling needed but no one knows of them since you usually need to get messed up and research on your own. After you wash them and wear them in, they are super flexible and you never know they are there.


Put on some Swede-o’s they help when you throw the bike.

Don’t be like me!

pioneer metal 004


Anonymous said...

Hope you heal fast!
Don't 661 do a couple of different ankle braces?

Straitline Components said...

Yep, 661 makes one and other brands, I've checked them all out at the shows even shwoed the Swede-o's asking if they can make it like this instead of that.

The Swede-o has patents on the products not just a sleeve you tighten up. So you ride it laced up in a certain style for preventative rolls and sprains and when actually injured you lace it another way to create full time support. They are pretty trick when you see them not just in a jpeg from the net. I tried to get soft good manufactureres to copy it and get it too the masses but Patents are in place so no go. And bad on me for asking a firm to copy another but I wanted the amsses to get on braces.

Bluntly put, everything available is jus ta sock with laces, not much thought into it, the Swede-o guys have it dialed, patented it, can't beat them join them right!