Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Squirrels are assholes, have proof!

This email made me laugh because it was so random so why not share it with the masses!  Sadly most the emails that come in are random as hell but lets look at Marshalls email in order of how it came in.


I sent him this potential ad campaign that I was going to launch, I thought it got the point across!



We may be small but we have BIG hearts!


Hang with the best Ride Straitline!


Dude that squirrel cracks me up. My buddy just got taken out by a squirrel while riding street. He was just pedaling to the skate park and one ran in his wheel and he ended up waking up in the ER.  He should love the photo ( he runs Straitline pedals and levers too) Best part is the city worker that took his bike for him kept both half’s of the squirrel. 



F****d up story... rad actually. Can I blog that? I hate squirrels, they are pro deekers -  left, right, stop, left, run back to the curb! People need to be alerted that they are assholes!



Go for it. He ended up breaking his hand and his helmet. I sent him a photo like this.  What else would a best friend do during a time of need?  Scary thing is there is a bunch of them on e-bay? Dude… can get anything  on ebay, even a squirrel butt.



I took a duck to my face once but that email was too funny not to share!



Sneeck said...

That squirrel butt is really messed up

Anonymous said...

Lmao that isn’t a squirrel that’s a damn meerkat