Monday, June 14, 2010

Right and Wrong..what’s the difference?

The question we all must answer on a daily basis. Shoot gun at police or help old lady across the street who knows what the day may bring but we make choices every second of everyday.


The right way and the wrong way can be explained in these following images.

Jason Nixon from sporting our Silent guide during testing…

Jason demonstrates the Right way.


Now the opposite of Right…

Wrong!  Patton falling1

This is an unfortunate situation and I heard he was okay but the sequence is a must see and reminded me of some injury stats that I saw on neck injuries.

Riders last name is Patton, first name unknown yet but we hope he had painless roll and all is well.

Patton falling2

This is an example of everything just going wrong. Just As the title suggests ,the jump in this video is a bit hairy and it is always best to let a friend speed test it first.

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